SRCC participates in the Art Fair for the Sea 

On Saturday, July 27th, the Shark River Cleanup Coalition (SRCC) participated in the “Art Fair for the Sea” event at Volunteer Park in Shark River Hills, where the residents of local communities met with local environmental organizations, shopped with local crafts vendors, and enjoyed food vendors and free live music. 

The SRCC invited the fairgoers to view information and displays that detailed our efforts to protect and preserve Shark River. Our board members and student interns listened to their concerns about the Shark River, and shared information about our programs, including:  Spring/Summer and Autumn beach and kayak cleanups, our Community Science water monitoring program to identify contamination sources, horseshoe crab tagging and habitat restoration projects in partnership with the American Littoral Society; and advocacy for the dredging of historic navigation channels in Shark River. 

Additionally, the SRCC was honored to speak with local leaders who share our commitment to protecting and preserving our natural resources, including Neptune Township Mayor Mrs. Tassie York, and Neptune Township Committeeperson Mr. Robert Lane.  Additionally, SRCC President Jim McNamara and Water Monitoring Program Lead Matthew DeAngelis had the opportunity to speak with NJ 6th District US Representative Frank Pallone, a strong advocate for environmental causes in New Jersey, including Neptune and Neptune City.  Rep. Pallone discussed the SRCC efforts in water monitoring and dredging advocacy and thanked the organization for its efforts to protect and preserve Shark River. 


Shore bird deaths in Shark River


Support SRCC at Stop & Shop in July