About the SRCC
Our Mission
The mission of the Shark River Cleanup Coalition is to significantly enhance the water quality of the Shark River Estuary and its fresh water tributaries, to improve and protect habitats important to the conservation and abundance of the wildlife, to protect the recreational and commercial uses from degradation and pollution, thereby ensuring the ecological and economical stability of this important watershed.
SRCC is a non profit 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible. The SRCC does not endorse any political parties or candidates nor does it take any position regarding political issues. The SRCC is not responsible for any statements made by anyone other than the official spokesperson of the SRCC.
Please feel free to visit this site often as we are constantly updating it.
This is your river and it needs your help to clean it up.
Our Vision
The Shark River Cleanup Coalition Inc.’s primary concerns are improving the water quality of the Shark River and its tributaries and protecting the wetlands and wildlife. By better managing this watershed, we seek to enhance commercial fishing, recreational uses, swimming and drinking water supplies. We do this by educating the residents and elected officials of the towns within the Shark River watershed. We conduct monitoring of water quality through biological, physical, and chemical analysis, provide strong advocacy, lead and assist others with similar goals, increase community awareness of the problems impacting the watershed and conduct cleanups in the watershed. We protect our drinking water sources in the watershed and their feeder systems. We document historic uses of the waters in our watershed and protect them from degradation as provided for in the Federal Clean Water Act. We seek funding for these actions as provided through membership dues, donations, foundation grants, government grants, corporate grants, pro bono services and in kind contributions.
Board of Directors
Jim McNamara - President
Mary Jane Dodd - Vice President
Arlene Sciarappa - Secretary and acting Treasurer
Bill Sciarappa
John Brennan
Torquato Tasso
Rich Ambrosio
Carrie Cruz
Matthew DeAngelis
Contact Us
Shark River Cleanup Coalition Inc.
PO Box 2241
Neptune City, NJ 07753
732-988-SRCC (7722)